What is Talos?

Talos is a self hosted search engine for mobile applications, both on Android and Apple smart devices. It can be a great tool for those who want to get a concise overview of all available applications within a certain region of the world.

Talos was initially developed as a “quick and dirty” tool for a research project on the availability of applications regarding infection prevention in the clinical setting. The development of Talos quickly ran out of hand and became a full-fat tool that anyone can use.

What’s in a name?

As the research project behind the search engine was a study on technology in medicine, we looked for references in history and mythology where technology was used for the well-being of others. Enter Talos, an animated statue/robot and the closest anything in Greek mythology came to resemble modern machinery. It was built to protect those on Crete from pirates and invaders.

Who are we?

Ender Holten

Currently a medical student following clinical rotations and the main developer behind Talos, Ender is still at the starting point of his medical career. From the beginning it was Ender’s intent to apply his technical skills and know-how to his master’s thesis.

When presented with Robbert’s suggestion to create an appstore-review, he wanted to create a tool that would grant researchers a more secure, systematic and efficient approach in gathering the necessary data; this tool, including it’s source code, had to be available for everyone. From this idea, Talos was developed.

Robbert Bentvelsen

Robbert grew his roots in internal medicine before making the shift towards medical microbiology. After leading an ebola-diagnostics team in Freetown, Sierra Leone he joined the medical microbiology department at LUMC in Leiden, the Netherlands as a resident physician-microbiologist. Currently Robbert is an attending physician-microbiologist at the Amphia medical centre in Breda, the Netherlands.

Inspired by the numerous available appstore-reviews, it was Robbert’s idea to create an updated overview of the currently available applications that, either directly or indirectly, help in the prevention of hospital acquired infections.